Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Home Internet speed increased

Home Internet speed increased How does one increase one's home Internet speed, and by over 25 times at that (in theory, of course)? Why, by using a plastic optical fiber, of course. A research team led by Hwang Seung-sang has succeeded in making a home network system using the new data communication cable after half a dozen years of experimenting. With this plastic optical fiber, one can achieve data transmission of up to 2.5Gb/s, far outstripping current home Internet lines that can carry data at 100Mb/s. Sounds great, and while real world performance won't even come anywhere near the 2.5Gb/s mark, it makes perfect sense that the end result will still be way faster than what we have today. Just roll it out already, Einsteins!

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[Source: Ubergizmo]